Ageing brush Frankfurt Silicium Carbide

The segment Cepibrush Frankfurt Carburo is used in satin, in marble and terrazzo.
They are used both for the aging of materials and for achieving a satin effect.



The segment Cepibrush Frankfurt Carburo is used in satin, in marble and terrazzo.
They are used both for the aging of materials and for achieving a satin effect.
Often fine grains are used from 320, 500 and/or 1000 to return the colour to the material after the use of diamond brushes, which always end up leaving a white

Additional information

Grano / Grain

24, 36, 46, 120, 180, 220, 240, 320, 400, 1000, 1200, 500, 60, 600, 700, 80

Tamaño / Size



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